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FSMA Raiders win the Eastern Shore Raider Championship - The First State Championship in FSMA History!!!
FSMA Honor Guard Performs the Cake Cutting Ceremony on 247th birthday of the United States Marine Corps
Vet Fest 2022 - Middletown, Delaware
Christmas Formation Run through our hometown, Clayton, Delaware
Our Vision
The target population for FSMA is students who are interested in, and/or would benefit from, a military school environment, where the rigors of academics, citizenship, discipline, moral values, and leadership will help them to advance toward successful high school graduation, and will ensure each cadet is well prepared for the transition into post high school life.

The goal is to enroll a diverse cadet population in Kent County that has a balanced male-to-female ratio and is reflective of surrounding high schools.
The NTN instructional design has been chosen based upon its substantial record of results of high academic performance and superior graduation rates (Appendix A-9). The Marine Corp JROTC program, as noted by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), “serves to reinforce the competencies taught in the other academic subjects in which cadets are enrolled.” FSMA’s combination of a Marine Corp JROTC program with the NTN instructional design will offer an exceptional educational experience.
FSMA seeks to maintain an enrollment of as many as 475 cadets in grades 9-12.
(302) 223-2150

355 W Duck Creek Rd
P.O. Box 888
Clayton, DE 19938

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